February 13, 2013

Funny, Stupid, But My Favorite

In Nara Park, there is an unique contest! You will never be able to find like this even if you search for it all over the world.  It is  "Deer Cracker Throwing Contest" which is held a few times a year on the hillside of Mt. Wakakusa, Nara Park where wild deer live and mingle with people.

The participants of the contest throw a bigger deer cracker than usual and compete the distance. But,  you can imagine what will happen as soon as a cracker is thrown. The cracker comes apart and goes into the stomachs of the deer as soon as it lands on the field. It is difficult not only to throw a super-light cracker but also to measure the distance.This contest is very very funny and stupid, but I love it very much!

The first contest of this year was held on 26th January, it was windy day. All day long strong winds blew and violent gusts of winds curled. Sometimes a cracker returned with a strong wind like a boomerang. One woman got the poorest record, minus 5 meters. The winner  was a man whose record was 36.8 meters. He was awarded with a trophy of deer antlers!

The followings are interesting dramas between people and deer!

In winter, January 2013.
 Glacial winds numb his or her hands. But all of People and deer are enjoying and happy!


In summer, August 2012.
           Always before a contest starts, many deer are waiting ! In August, 2012. 

Carps in a pond are half hibernating.

But, in an icy air, the sunlight shows the promise of coming spring.

"Happy Valentine" from the deer with white hearts, in Nara Park.


  1. Both deer and people look happy! Your post brought a smile to my face. Happy Valentine Day to you too!

  2. hahaha, funny game with good photos! Like it :)!

  3. Beautiful, fun post! Happy Valentine's Day to you too Keiko. May your day be very lovely. xx

  4. Keikoさん こんにちは。 明日はバレンタインなんですね。チョコレートも好きですが、空を舞う鹿せんべいも好きです。実に美味しそうですねぇ。鹿が目で必死に追うのと同じ目線で、私も飛び上がって咥えたいほどです。それに良く飛ぶ! 鹿せんべいの香ばしい香りと春の気配。しっかり届きました。Ψ・x・Ψ~~~●

    1. Anzuさん、鹿せんべいは米ぬかと小麦と水だけでできているので、美容や健康にもよさそうですよ。香ばしい、いい香りがします。でも、実は、いちども食べたことは無いのです。一度かぶりついてみようかしら。鹿の気持ちがよくわかるようになるかもしれませんし。

  5. Such interesting and funny post. I can find your affection for deer and people who are enjoying the game and I've got some energy from your post.

    The photo of carp is just like a Japanes-style painting. And he faint light of spring is beautiful!

  6. 大きな鹿煎餅が円盤のように飛ぶんですね!鹿達にはさぞかし美味しそうに見える事でしょう!みんな楽しそう!

  7. 面白いイベントですね。知りませんでした。こんなに鹿がいるのを見るだけで楽しめそうですね。

  8. Very interesting and amusing post, snowwhite. Reading this post bought a wide wide grin on my face. How cute and adorable these deers are! I loved this innovative game, it's so much fun playing with them! The promise of coming spring picture is splendid. Wish you a happy weeks ahead, Keiko :)

  9. Chętnie też wzięła udział w takiej zabawie, bo można zwierzęta zobaczyć z bliska. Oby słoneczko już zwiastowało wiosnę. Szczęśliwych Walentynek . Pozdrawiam.
    We also took part in the fun, because you can see the animals up close. May the sun has heralded spring. Happy Valentine's Day. Yours.

  10. Keiko, this is so funny ! I like it too. The crackers look like frisbees. I am sure that the deer don't question the reasons why people are throwing them crackers. Like you, they just enjoy it :)

  11. Those deer look almost like dogs in their anticipation! I can well imagine it being a fun event.

  12. Beautiful photos. It is so great that the deer can feel safe around people.

  13. 鹿せんべい飛ばし大会とは面白いですね。楽しそうです。

    1. erieriさん

  14. Such an amusing contest, but the deer seem to appreciate the crackers. Interesting series.

  15. I didn’t know the contest is held in the middle of winter. Flying deer crackers and people having fun in spite of the freezing wind is pleasant to see from the comfort of my living room. Thanks for sharing. Didn’t you give it a try to throw some crackers? Now that I notice the white-heart of deer, I feel more affection toward them. Happy Valentines Day to you, too.


  16. It's always interesting to see people finding new ways to have fun with animals in a harmless game.Thanks for showing your lovely photos which so clearly illustrate all aspects of the event.Actually I really like the second last image - the setting for a fantasy tea party perhaps? Many thoughts are turning to spring at present.....and it's hopefully just around the corner!

    Have a lovely weekend Keiko,

  17. Oh, what fun! And we all need more fun in life! Love the last two shots.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Happy Valentine’s Day to you snowwhite! I see that in your world I am a day late. That does look to be a very unique game and full of fun. It seems to be good healthy exercise, too, and would cause people to laugh out loud. I also like the pool of light that is in your forest photo … very magical. :)

  20. I would have never even imagined this! very enlightening!! thanks and love the photos!!

  21. Never heard of it. I guess I'd try the fressbee technic.

  22. 人々も楽しそうですが、鹿達のせんべいを見る目が懸命で可愛いですね。冬は山焼きの前にすると聞きましたが夏もやるんですね。若草山の緑がきれいです。誰が考え出したのか奈良らしいイベントですね。

  23. s Nara the one in Kyoto? I dont remember the park was this big. Maybe I didnt cover the whole area.

    1. Lily,
      Nara is located on the south of Kyoto. Both of them are ancient capitals of Japan, but Nara and Kyoto are different cities. Nara Park is a huge area, covering about 502 hectares where about 1200 wild deer are roaming.
      I t is wonderful to hear that you visited Nara and Kyoto!!

  24. This a silly but everyone had a huge amount of fun, the expressions on the two children's faces are delightful. The river and trees always create s feeling of calm and quiet which I like so much.

  25. It's good to be silly sometimes Keiko!!! The kids (and grownups) are having so much fun. I laughed at the deers' white hearts ;)))...

    It looks lovely there -- I can tell that spring is coming!

  26. ♪♫º♫♫º
    Olá, amiga!

    Passei para saudá-la.
    ღ°Bom fim de semana! ♪♫º

    ♪♫♫º Beijinhos.
    ♪♫º Brasil.♪♫♫º

  27. Happy Valentine's to you too! ^.^

    This is such a cute contest! I would probably throw in minus :D I never was good at throwing things.

    Deer look so happy :)

  28. Deer are very special animals. The greatest thing about this contest, besides the fun everyone has, is the intermingling between deer and humans. We are cousins and we live in one world and it's important that we relate in positive ways!

  29. It is so funny and Great job. It is makes me smile.
    Thanks for your series.
    From Hilda

  30. What a funny and unusual post, Keiko!

    The crackers look like flying cow pats... ;-))

    Thanks for this post!


  31. Great post interesting to see the deer at your side of the world. We have lots of deer here too, but no cracker throwing !

  32. Hello Keiko, how are you? How is the weather? Your fun with the deer is interesting. To be so near wild animals is special.

  33.  おはようございます。とても楽しそうですね。snowwhite様は参加されたのですか。

    1. 一度参加してみたいとおもいつつ、写真のみ撮っています。もしかしたら、優勝して鹿の角のトロフィーもらえたりして。

  34. How wonderful to see people and animals having FUN together. There is just too little fun in this world and your blog posting has really cheered me up.
    I bet I could have beaten the -5 meters. When I was at school we had to do shot oputting and I dropped one on my toe!
    Thanks Keiko

  35. hahahahhaha..that is sure a funny contest..but am sure atleast the deer are very happy :)


  36. Que forma tan bonita y sana de divertirse, además de disfrutar de los animales y la madre naturaleza. Es una preciosa entrada documentada con maravillosas fotografías. ¡¡Enhorabuena!! y gracias por publicarlo.
    Un abrazo desde Sevilla.

  37. Love the picture of the park. The deer seem to be enjoying themselves.


  38. Hello, snowwhite.

     Your heartwarming works fascinates my heart.

     Thank you for your kindness and support.
     And i pray for you and yours peace.

    Have a good week-end. From Japan, ruma❃

  39. こんにちわ。 とても広々とした草原ですね。

  40. Great photos!
    I just love it!

  41. How can life ever be boring? You always write about such extraordinary things! This is amazing and wonderful. I love your photos too. Minerva ~


Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and leaving warm messages. I will visit your site soon. keiko

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