This is the river which is most loved by people in
Kyoto, city of waterways. Kyoto people enjoy strolling here and feel the changing of the seasons. Also It is a very popular date spot. It is interesting that the couples sit down on the banks spacing themselves at equal intervals in the evening. It's true.
The river is flowing gently, but once upon a time the river was so wild that it often flooded and tormented Kyoto people. In the eleventh century, the powerful Emperor Shirakawa lamented saying " Kamo River is one of three things which I can never manage to control . " Others were dice and soldier monks of Enryaku-ji Temple in Mt. Hiei.

If you like water birds, the river is the right place.
The river glitters in the afternoon light and shows stained-glass like reflections.
Just before sunset, the scenery looks like a simple black and white world.
A sunset is approaching.
If you like gazing at a sunset, the river is one of the most beautiful spots.
The white tents were temporarily made to prepare for a candle festival.
If you want to see something special, visit here in summer. Many restaurants lining along the river, set up "川床- Yuka meaning a floor" which are open air dining places made over the river during summer..
Here, people are enjoying dinner catching the cool
and comfortable breezes blowing over the river.
This is the special delight during hot summer in Kyoto. While walking along the river,
we overhear joyful laughter and merry conversations floating out from Yuka.
But dinning in Yuka is rather expensive.
I found one place where we can enjoy the atmoshpere of Yuka
at the price, about 4 U.S. dollars. It is Starbucks coffee shop.
When I saw Yuka set up at this American coffee shop,
I thought "This is Kyoto where Old and New, Traditional and Modern stand side by side."
My grandmother and mother were born and raised in Kyoto. I was born in Kyoto and my family moved to Osaka when I was 5 years old. During school holidays, I would go to Kyoto to stay with my grandmother. I still remember a small tributary of Kamo River near the grandmother's house.
After rain, a tiny spider is composing a prelude of autumn on a subtle staff notation.